English distance session
Invite and experience Wellbeing, Wholeness & Quality of Life Progress wherever you are
This site and service is for you who recognise Reconnective Healing® as a natural, safe, easy reachable, way to support your overall wellbeing and life progress. For you who already know, or at least can accept the idea, that the effect from interacting with the Reconnective Healing Frequencies doesn’t depend on if the practitioner is physically present during a session, but that it equally well can be facilitated and experienced at a distance.
You come here when you wish to experience Reconnective Healing® distance sessions and want to be assured that you are well taken care of by a professional RH-practitioner, whether the session is for yourself, a family member or a friend
Book a session with me

Welcome and book a session with me.
Through book@333sincere.com or the buttons below.
Hi, I am Sara Jansson.
J am a Reconnective Healing (RH) Foundational & Reconnection- Certified Practitioner based in Stockholm Sweden.
I am also involved in the work as a Practitioner Mentor, supporting other RH Practitioners, and a member of The Reconnection Teaching team serving as a Teaching Assistant during the Reconnective Healing Training Programs in Europe with Dr Eric Pearl.
I is the founder and owner of -Helhjärtat Center- in Stockholm, where you'll always find well-renowned and well informed RH Foundational & Certified Practitioners
Watch this short clip with me at a former alternative health fair and also a small glims of my practice
Said by a client:
“What an amazing experience! I've never before felt such a connection with my body, so physically integrated. For the first time in my life I understand my physical being”
— RH Client
Animals & Reconnective Healing
Includes all species

Remember, since Reconnective Healing is not therapy or treatment,
...there's no need to leave specific information about what issue have led you to seek support. As a RH practitioner I don't need that information, let’s just open up for the infinite potential that this work brings.
I want you also to have in mind that nothing has to be "wrong" before you can benefit from experiencing this work. RH is a powerful source for balance and higher performance on all levels even for already healthy individuals.
That said, I would be more than happy if you feel that you want to share with me what you observe and notice following the session. What has shifted?
Use my contacts below.
You easily schedule your sessions through the "book sessions" button below. A payment link will be sent per email separately and handled before the session starts.
Always feel welcome to contact me.
I suggest starting with THE PORTAL
An intimate and dynamic experience of 10+ hours with Dr. Eric Pearl and Jillian Fleer including a powerful series of eight 1-hour instructional courses where you will intimately learn the essentials of Reconnective Healing.
Continue your learning with THE CATALYST
The Live Immersion Weekend - a 2-day training program where you will continue to entrain with the Reconnective Healing Field
Or combine the two through The O.N.E Experience
At some training programs in Europe I’m available for support, click my name Sara Jansson at the “register through” section on the booking site, and don’t hesitate contacting me if having any questions.
The O.N.E Experience in Sweden in 2-3 October 2021
With Sara Jansson and Guglielmo Poli

Eric Pearl and anyone associated with this work, inclusive of, but not limited to The Reconnection(TM) and Reconnective Healing(R), are neither diagnosing nor treating specific health challenges. You are solely responsible for seeing to and continuing with your own medical treatment and care.
COVID-19 precausions
We will follow the recommendations of The Public Health Agency of Sweden
Sweden and the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19)
Be sure to claim your spot!
the event will have a maximum of 50 participants